Sunday, September 16, 2012

Current Events 9, Term 3, 2012

Last week the Ministry of Education announced plans to close/ merge or move a number of Christchurch Schools. Many of the issues have arisen due to earthquake damage and land instability. However the announcement without consultation has been a shock for many. Read the article below and watch the clip. WHat do you think should happen to the schools involved?

Canterbury Schools to close/ merge


  1. I'm not really sure what should happen in this situation I think that it probably wouldn't hurt to have them merged together but if there is that much rivalry between them then there probably will be lots of fights and stuff which would be really bad . But then it would be good for them to make new friends and things like that , but there would always be the problems of stuff like who would get to play in the best rugby team and other sports team or would they still have separate teams? A lot of them may want to merge with girl schools but in the end they did actually choose to go to a all boys school. But maybe it would be better for them to be mixed with girls

  2. I dont no if the gorverment has handled this propasal very well by bronging it out so suddenly it would of made many people angry and upset. I also think merging schools isnt a good idea especially if the schools merging are big schools like chch boys high and shirley boys high. Also schools may hav rivalries between. Maybe if the government had brought the news out better it wld be more accepted by the community and more people wld like the idea.

    1. Hello from mashmellow man!!!!

    2. Hi from Bruno the tortoise

    3. who is bruno the tortoise is this quintintin

  3. I don't know what shold happen to the schools because there are good things and bad things. School Rivalry with sports teams and inter-school competitions is a big issue to be considered and some of the students may have to move to go to the new schools. With the merging of schools seems reasonable but people will get upset over the arrangements and keeping in mind that the government can't please everyone it seems like a good option to have but it might not have been the right one. Also if the government had anounced it differently it would have changed a lot of people's opinions on it and maybe people would have wanted to do it. I think that the schools involoved principles should have a meeting with the Education Ministers to see what are their options are and what schools could merge, which could relocate and those that had to close and be demolished.

  4. This a bit of a tricky situation because it effects lots of students and some schools wont like who they are merging with and perhaps it may be a good idea for the schools to change thier name for example if Rangiora High and Kaiapoi High had to merge together then it would be good changing their names because then nobody would have to live with being called by the other school like rangiora would nt have to call them selves Kaiapoi and Kaiapoi wouldnt have to call themselves Raniora High.
    I feel sorry for the teachers though because it would be hard on them and their families as some teachers would have to cope with new students that they dont even know and some teachers and principles would lose their jobs and not many teaching jobs would be avalible in terms of these changes
    Petra :)

  5. unfortunately i have to agree with my new enemy, the government. I think that the best logical thing to do would be to merge or relocate the schools. but it is also a bad thing, if you imagine that happening from their point of view, it would be quite frustrating, i know i would be annoyed! if this happened more than a week ago, i could have put it in my government speech! i think the government is being inconsiderate towards the school students and their parents!

    by an anti-FED, marshmallow-brained random kid called Emily!

  6. I think the government should have asked the schools what they thought about this and who they think would be best for them to merge with, i think the schools involved should have had more say in what happened to their school and the ministry should have also asked the students and parents opinion as it is them they are effecting and it has upset a lot of people. it would have been better if they had just re-zoned most schools but I can see the logic behind what they did. there are more down sides to this than upsides though as a lot of schools (such as Shirley boys) do not have enough room for more students, also a lot of teachers will be out of jobs since there are less schools for them t teach at. over all I think the ministry could have put more thought into the changes

  7. i think that its disgusting that the government didnt ask the schools who they want to be merged with and they could then merge with them if they wanted. the government didnt think about this very much and i think they could do better

  8. I think that the government is doing a pretty fair thing with the schools but i think that before they closed the schools down and merged them they should of talked to the schools first and seen if they thought it was a good idea. They obviously didnt think about this alot.

    Molly (:

    wup on gangnam stlye


  9. I dont know what should happen to the schools because if it causes fights that would be bad but if the school isnt safe then they should move.If people chose to go to Shirly boys high or Avonside girls high then shouldnt they be able to go to that school the one that they chose without being forced to go some different mum thinks that its not nice that they are mergeng but if they have to they have to and that the wouldnt merge them if they didnt have to.
    By Micky/Mikayla :)

  10. i think that it is fair for the schools to be closed and merged with other schhools if their school was so badly damaged. i think that it would of been nice for the government to tell the schools about the closes before it went public.
    by CL03 CL03/ CHL03;p

  11. i think that the schools should not be merged because they are different schools with different pupils and they would not get along. and for tournaments there would not be enough schools to compete with so that would mean no sporting competitoins. SO THE SCHOOLS SHOULD NOT MERGE!


  12. i think that schools should not merge because some schools have differnt cultures and the schools will get to big.the people in the school might not get along.


  13. I think if the schools are damaged enough to put students in danger. I think they should close down or merge. If the ministry says they are unsafe, then they are unsafe. They know the most. I think people should stop fighting it and learn that the school is damaged and needs to be closed.

    By Lachie

  14. i think schools should merge until their own bilding is safe because they should not put students in danger but their should of told the school alot earlyer because it is not fair and they are owned by the goverment so what they say goes

  15. i think that the schools should merge because their own school is unsafe but only until their own school is safe and they could tell their parents and they could choose to move to diffrent schools

    by lance

  16. i havent heard much on this issue but what i know is that this issue should be sorted out school by school and have they taken into account that these schools that are merging might have puplis who might not be able to get to that new merged school. And i think these school are safe or they would of been told earlyer.

    by COURTNEY!!!!!!!!
