Sunday, August 21, 2011

2011 Current Events 15

This weeks Current Events is for you to write about your experience skiing. What you liked, didn't like. What changes could be made to make the day better.


  1. I liked having a snowball fight and sliding down the mountain. But the skiing itself got a bit boring after a hour or more and getting to your bags for more food or more clothes was difficult. I spent most of my time having a snowball fight because the skiing got to crowded and windy.

  2. My experience:
    I was able to go onto the advanced slope, i was scared at first but then when i was 1/4 of the way down i realised that it wasnt actually scary it was just because i kept on falling over every 2 turns.
    when i finally got hang of it the rush of excitment got to me. . . i was actually doing it(: .
    I didnt like that we had to stay ages on the beginner slope it got so boring.
    To be honest i think the day went really well i dont think there needs to be any changes.
    i thank all te teachers and parent help it made the day a great success

  3. I had a great day. I started on the intermediate slope and it was about the right level for me. I think that the lesson got a bit boring and shouldn't have been compulsary. But I liked that we were able to choose from skiing and snowboarding. It was hard to find your gear on the bus because everyone was trying to get theirs and they were shifting all of it. At some stages of the day it was a bit too windy. All in all I think that it was a great day and thanks to the teachers and parent helps.

  4. My skiing trip was good but could have been better… I found the wind was a pain, and because of the wind I was not able to go on the top to slopes like I had planned. Besides that my day was the best of the week so far! And thanks to all the teachers and parents for making this day possible!!!

  5. I really enjoyed my day, mostly because it was run very smoothly and we had lots of time, but not too much to get overly bored. I found the bus drive very enjoyable because of the scenery when going closer to the mountains and also we had a very good bus driver! When we arrived at the ski field I was surprised how quickly we all got off the bus and I found it well organised how we were split in lines according to our ski level. Knowing my shoe size and weight beforehand really helped and I was out of the hire shop within a few minutes. After that I was lined up for my lesson and I was luckily the last person to be allowed in the first lesson. The lesson was one of the down points of the day. I had only skied once, the time we all went two years ago, so that I thought was the best group for me. I did need help stopping and turning because it was a long time since skiing but the instructors just gave a quick recap and expected us to know what we were doing. The lesson was nowhere near an hour, probably only 15 minutes and I didn’t really learn anything. My whole ski day was really cool though. I enjoyed going on the beginners slope, although I do admit I am certainly not the best skier. Out of the two down sides, I think obtaining our bags, food; clothing from the bus would have to be the worst. It was such a hassle in such a small space. I however, see no other alternative to the situation so what I decided was to stuff my pockets with food and snacks and eat it up on the slope. This worked rather well because trudging down the slope with skis on your shoulder made it really hard. In the afternoon I took the challenge to go on the intermediate slope, but of course it was super windy that I could hardly stand up. I found going up on the platter really fun but coming down was my problem. I was grateful to have Tom and Sam’s dads at hand to assist me, but I was terrible at skiing on such a slope. I couldn’t turn on the steep slope so every time I attempted to turn I ended going straight ahead at such a fast pace that I had to bail otherwise I would fly off the mountain. This occurred about three times, all of which my skis flew into the air, so I decided to stop and ended up at the beginners slope yet again.
    I thoroughly enjoyed my day so I would like to thank all the teachers and parents for making the day possible. It was organised really well and made the day run very efficiently!

    Nick!! :D

  6. I had a great experience skiing but after the hour lesson i only carried on for about twenty more minutes then i had great fun sliding down the side of the slope with friends which we did for ages and we had a really fun snowball fight .Aftre that i did a we bit more skiing before we had to put our skiis away.And also going up the tbar was really bad cuz it was really windy.

  7. I really enjoyed skiing as to i have never been before, i had alot of falls but it was a really fun time. I tryed the intermedit, and that wasnt one of my best decisions so i went back up to beginer and that was way easer and it was really really windy, but it was amazing!!!

  8. i had a great day skiing. i got to go on the t-bar which i found hard at first butafter going on it with annabel i was a lot more confident. at first the lesson was fun but after like 20 minutes it got boring. i think the day would of been a lot funner if there hadn't of been any wind because it hurt and i got really bad wind burn. like nick said i didn't really learn anything in the lesson but after it i had a great time, i just didn't like queing for the t-bar and the pommel. i really enjoyed skiing and would like to thank the teachers and parents for making the day extremely awesome!!!!!!
    :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  9. it was really fun i kept on slipping over heaps then i got the hang of it but i started skiing i only fell over a few times and i flipped and then i got bored then we started to have a snowball fight and there was really big sink holes and some people were pushing people down cliffs

  10. Wednesday was an enjoyable day. Those who went seemed to have a great time including me. I liked the fact that we were on schedule for the whole day and that everything went according to plan. Unfortunately we took a lot of time getting to the lessons and some people might have missed out on their full lesson. To make that better we could have had the lesson groups all sorted so when we had all the gear we went together to our lesson straight away. Some of the year eights could have had a roll with the names of everyone in the group so no one would miss their tutorial.
    Apart from the wind it was a wonderful day and I am miserable to say that I won’t be going with the school again. :( Thank you to everyone who help organise such a fun day!


  11. I think that the orginazition of the event was great we had plenty of parents and the students were really good helping each other out i think that that next time it would be great if we knew a bit more about what they would be teaching us at each level so that we aren't learning things that we already knew but apart from that i had an awesome so thankyou very much to the teachers for organizing it for us :D!


    my favourite part of the day was sliding down the mountain and the snowball fight. i think that skiing got a bit boring after a while. i think that the lesson got a bit boring and you didnt learing anything really. thanks to people who helped organized it

  13. i think that it was really cool how the wind added some more challenge for us. the hardest part was getting up on the intermiediet slope and people running into eachother also when my group was finnished on the beginers slope they did not tell me or harry that they were going to the intermidiet slope. the snowball fight was the best but miss millar stoped us for some reason even tho IT WAS ALL WED DID LAST YEAR it was fun when she was not looking tho

  14. I think that the skiing went great! We had loads of parent help and we didn't take long at all getting our boots and skis. I think that since most of us had been skiing before helped to. I enjoyed skiing alot because last time we went I didn't know how to turn and I just went down the hill straight but this time I got an extra lesson with a few other people about how to make it easier to turn. I think it was good that we got straight into it instead of waiting around for others who didn't know how to put their skis on. Having a lesson at school was really good so we knew how to put on our boots. It was unfortunate that it was so windy but the teachers couldn't change that. Each time I went down the hill I got more and more confident in myself. It was fun racing with my friends. I think that getting home early was an extra bonus to to a awesome day!
    Thanks to all the teachers and parents and ski instructors, you all made the day enjoyable!! XD

  15. i like going skiing i enjoyed going the lesson was a bit boring but going down the slopes made up for the lesson i like having a snowball fight after skiing it was mean.i think that the going home could have been better

  16. On Wednesday I had a really fun day skiing.I learnt heaps and also remembered alot from last time. By the end of the day was confident on the intermediate slope and had come a long way from last time. I felt the day was run smoothly but the lessons could have been fit better to the abilities. Overall the day was exciting and a great experience for everybody. Thank you to the teachers for organizing a fantastic event!
    Rose : )

  17. i loved the skiing trip it was awsome i started on the begining slope and then i went on the intermediate slope it was fun the only bad thing was the wind when you were going up on the pommar the wind would blow the snow off the mountin and it would go all over my clothes

  18. My experience was great, I had a lot of fun.One of my favourite things was the snow ball fights and sliding down the hill. I think that something that needs to be worked on is the access to gear and lunch etc. I was skiing and had a great time.

  19. I had a great day snowboarding with the school on wednesday, I liked having people to board with that were my ability. It was a very enjoyable day, I think it is a great school trip because it gives many people the chance to do something that they wouldn't normally be able to do.

  20. when i went skiing i enjoyed it very much because the staff were very nice and helped me end up on the intermediate slope skiing like a pro

  21. On Wednesday, I really enjoyed skiing and think that the collecting of skis worked much better than last time. The lessons were really helpful and gave me enough confidence to go up the tee bar. I think the teachers did a really good job controlling us kids and keeping the trip running smoothly. I think next time the school goes on a ski trip we could have parents waiting at the beginning slop, intermediate slope and advanced slope so that if someone wanted to go up a level there’d be someone there to asses them so that us kids don’t have to spend most of the day finding someone so they can get a pass. I really enjoyed my self and would like to thank all the parents and teachers who put in there hard work to have that day happen.

  22. I really enjoyed the skiing and I think it went really well. I went in our car with my dad, alex, and her parents so that wasn't a hassle with the gear or not enough room. i started of on the beginners slope (that was my 2nd time skiing)with my lesson group and then after we had gone down the slope a couple of times, the the instructor asked who would like to go to the intermediate slope and whoever didn't can stay here. so i stayed behind with a couple of others and we were left there by ourself with no lesson or instructor!!!!
    other than that the day was brilliant! i managed halfway through the day toget onto the intermediate slope, and with the help of my Dad, could ski down it. it was well organised and was really FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :P

    Thankyou to all teachers and parent helps that went...HOORAY!! :)

  23. Lol Wolfy68 (little bit excited?)

    I loved the fact that we actually got the opportunity to go skiing. I enjoyed having a lesson and thought it was a fantastic time to learn and experience new techniuqes. I didn't enjoy the icy wind that was very strong, but i know we couldn't do much about that. There really was nothing else that made my day miserable. Maybe next time we should make sure Mr Spencer is on the bus before we leave!!! =D

    Alakaii (Alex Mackay)
