Monday, June 4, 2012

Current Events 6

After an incident of "air-rage" by a drunken grandmother. Is it time that we reflect of whether drinking alcohol on or before boarding planes is a good idea. The question is should alcohol be banned on planes? And should drunken passengers be refused boarding on aircraft? Read the following article and discuss with your parents.

Grandmother's drunken tirade


  1. alcohol+ grandma= disaster

    1: no i do not think that alcohol should not be banned on planes. but instead of banning it they should have a limit to how much you can have.
    ( e.g. wine 2 glasses or 1 bottle of beer)
    so people wont get drunk and start to do stupid things like punching people and forcing the plane to turn around and go back to were the plane departed from.

    2: yes i think that people who are already intoxicated should be refused to board an aircraft. they should be told to told to catch a taxi home and rest for the day so they can come back again tommorow to travel were they would like to go. i think that already intoxicated people should be refused to board an aircraft.


  2. Alcohol should not be banned on planes but there should be a limit to stop incidents like this happening. they should be very strict about when they serve alcohol and should not serve it on domestic flights.

    They should not let intoxicated people on aeroplanes and should make them leave the airport or go to a separate room until the affects of the alcohol wear off. Also people should be able to purchase alcohol at the airport but not consume it while there.


  3. I don't think alcohol should be banned on aeroplanes but there should be a limit of drinks you are allowed. If you are intoxicated and going on a plane you should be not allowed on the flight and should be rescheduled on a flight when you are not drunk. My mum and dad both agree that intoxicated people should not be allowed on planes. If you ban alcohol on a plane than it is unfair to the people who have alcohol to calm nerves or for enjoyment


  4. No they should not ban alchohol on planes but there should be a limit on how much you are allowed to drink, so they won't go syco like the old granny did and start punching people and stuff, because if that always happened then the planes would have to turn around every single time something like this occured and that would cost the airline company heeeeaps of money.

    People who are drunk should be rufused to board a plane and should be told to go home and get back to normal and then catch their flight to whereever they are going. They should definately not be allowed to board the plane if they are intoxicated.

  5. I agree with Chloe they shouldn't ban alcohol on planes but have a limit. If they do go over them limit warn them before it comes to them being so drunk that they don't even remember what happened.
    People who are already drunk should not be allowed to board on long distance flights. But if they are only partially drunk and its a short flight they should be able to.
    It's there fault for being drunk in the first place. Who gets drunk then goes on a plane, isn't it common sense not to?

  6. No they shouldn't be allowed alcohol on planes. I don't this its very necessary to have liquor on planes because plane trips are only usually 12-24 hours at the most so I don't think people would be at a loss if it was banned. and of course if its causing trouble they shouldn't server it.

    No they shouldn't let them on. if they noticed someone was drunk and were trying to get on a plane they should send them away and book them in for the next flight there (that is if they're sober)

  7. I think you should be aloud achol on planes but it should limited to a certian a mount
    I also think You should be aloud on airplanes with having drinked achol but only up to the Driving restrications and limit otherwise it is the passengers fault for getting drunk

  8. i think that alcohol should be allowed a certain amount and druken passengers should be not allowed on if they are drunk completly but if only to a certain amount they be let on.
    by LANCE

  9. i think that there should be a breath alcohol reading before going on the plane and while on the plane and there should be a limit how much you are aloud to drink depending on how strong the alcohol level is and their age.
    i think anyone who is antoxicated should be denied entry on to the aircraft
    by JEREMY

  10. personally i dont think they should ban alcohol on planes because not all people will abuse their right to drink while on a aircraft but there should be a limit if you notice someone tippsy you should not serve them more drinks

    yes i do think they should refuse people that are drunk to borad a airplane because they will just borad the plane and keep on drinking because if passengers are drunk they will probably disrupt other passengers so if they are drunk before borading they sould not allow them to borad and get a flight for the next day .

  11. i think alcohol to be allowed on plane but have a limit on how many your allowed like 1 or 2 drinks
    but i dont like if you are drunk you should not be allowed on because they could disturb other passgers and would set a bad example to the children on board.
    by courtney
