Sunday, June 10, 2012

Current Events 7

Africa is an amazing continent, filled with the most amazing wildlife. However Africa is a very dangerous place. A lot of people have died from war, not hunger or disease.

What has occurred in recent history to make it such a dangerous place?

You will need to do some research on this and discuss with your parents. Please be detailed with your answer.


  1. africa is a dangerous place to go right now because of the civil war that is happening and the terroist attacts and some life threating diseases plus in some parts of africa there is a lack of food and water.
    by courtney

  2. Nigeria has been having numerous terrorist attack, and there have been attacks in Libya by forces,which could be counted as war crimes. There was a terror theat in Mali , where it is becominga terrorist training hotspot, and the U.N is sending in troups to help protect the country.

    By marshmallow man, just kidding its Emily!

  3. Africa has became a dangerous place because of the civil wars in libya and all over africa. One of these civils wars has been in Rwanda in 1994 when they clubbed people to death with machetes, Peacekeepers from the U.N (united nations) were sent over to Rwanda but did nothing about it. This war was known as the Rwandan Genocide. This war was fought between the Hutu tribe and the Tutsi tribe. 800,000 people died in this event

    Lachie T

  4. The civil war is making Africa dangerous right now because you could be confused as a civilian and die because of a bomb or gun fire and most people living in the hit zone would rather be anywhere else right now so they can protect there families.
    Erin :)

  5. The wars that are going on are really ruining peoples lives
    I wish that they could just get along and be nice to one another.So many lives have been lost, WHY DONT THEY STOP

    (silly billies)


  6. The wars that are going on are really ruining peoples
    lives I wish that they could just be nice to one anoter, So many lives have been lost, WHY CANT THEY STOP

    (silly billies)

    Scotty :)

  7. Because of the wars that have been occurring around africa in places like libya. These wars began when african people start arguing about land boundaries such as how much land countries had. Also 15 of African countries are currently at war out of its 54.


  8. The muslims and the Christans are at war
    The Nigerian Army was sent in Tuesday to stop violence that began on Sunday. After Christians protested the construction of a mosque and after Muslim protesters attacked a Catholic church. Fighting is centered in the city of Jos.

    Liberia is still setling down from the civil war

  9. africa is dangerous because of the wars over land and children are being killed and other innocent civillians are being killed also the diesies and loss of water and food.


  10. There have been plenty of recent wars all around africa that have made it a dangerous place to live in or be in.
    In West Africa a number of wars have happened in the last two decades including the Guinea-Bissau Civil War (June 7 1998 to November 2, 1998) that have ended then carried on the next year and never really stopped.No one wants to go on holiday there anymore because they have a high chance of being hit by bombs or by random gunfire into crowds of civilians.
    There has also been little water and food recently. Plenty of diseases have killed many in the past few years and if you go there, there is a high chance you will get sick in some countries.

  11. At this current time many wars are acurring in africa and so many wars have happend / happing reacently terrourist attacks ocure very often and lots of countrys in africa do not gett along wery well. If some body thought that Africa was a graet place to visit and even though the wildlfe in africa is really remacable and beautifal( and Iknow many people that would love to visit Africa) they had better think twice imagine that you are in a hotel room admiaring a veiw and you suddenly hheard the screaming noise of a shellaprooching the place you were staying and sometimes gunfire gets shoot out into a crowd of people just beause of some bodys skin coulor and it is so likely that it would happen because it would be devistating. There are also many ways that you could get sick because I am not so sure abot Africa but insome places you cant get health insureance As an example you cant get it in Hawaiifor penumonia

    1. This was by petra i forgot to put my name bellow.

  12. africa is a dangerous place to go becouse of thelack of food andwater andthe civil war that is happining and torroist attacks and some life threatning diseases

  13. africa is a dangerous place to go right now because of the civil war and the tourist attaks and life threatning diseases and in some parts of africa you could die of starvation or dhydration because they dont have enough food or water for everyone.
    if i was in africa at the mo
    1:i could die because of life threatning diseases
    2:i could die from starvation or dhydration
    3:i could be attacked by an african
    4:i could also die because i could be bombed or shot at because of the civil wars well only if i am in libya

    by *chloe*;p

  14. The reason Africa is such a dangerous place now days because of the wars that have occurred and are occurring.
    in Libya a civil war is occurring and 1000 of casualties have all ready happened.

    In West Africa the Guinea Bissau war also happened but gladly is over now. It went from June 1998 to November 1998.

    Africa is becoming a place tourists try to avoid. not only because of the wars but also because of all the dangerous diseases and wild life that also keep people away from Africa.

  15. Africa is so dangerous because of all the diseases and starvation in mostly all countries and another reason its so dangerous is because of the civil wars happening in North Africa and Ethiopia and Eritrea

  16. Africa is a dangerous country because there are around 20 wars that have gone on over the last 10 years, such as the Sudan war, the Civil War 2, the Libyan civil war, and the Kenyan crisis. It is also poor, which makes war easier to break out, because it has lots of valuable natural materials and everybody wants to be in control of them. So they have a war to try and get these diamonds, oil and gold etc. It is politically unstable.

    By Mikayla

  17. There has been a lot of civil wars in Africa wich makes it really dangerous to go there. There is a civil war in Libya today so that would not be a safe place to go.
    In south Africa each day an average of 50 people are killed each day. Also there are around 1800 attempted murders each year.
    It is mostly between people who know one another but still if you go ther it is very dangerous.
    Something that causes this is that there is very high unemployment. So a lot of people get frustrated and violent.
    And of course all the dieseses and starvation makes it vey dangerous.

  18. Quintin is AWESOME!June 16, 2012 at 9:21 PM

    Africa is currently a dangerous place because of all the wars that are happening or have recently happened. between 1997 and now there have been 24 wars in Africa, the longest one lasting 15 years (it started in 1997 and is still happening. also it is easy to get robbed or pick pocketed in Africa as most people there are poorer than you so then they may try to take your money or valuables so that they can sell them for money.

    By Quintin (is cool)

  19. Africa is becoming dangerous from all the civil wars that are occurring such as Libya and Rwanda peoples lives are at risk and no one cares and it doesn’t help that there is a lack of food and water there are also life threating diseases that most people die from just think about it there are families just like us who live in Africa and have nothing not only does Africa have a lack of food and water u can also get gun fired or worst bombed people might think your tourist and kill u for no reason how would u like to get shot

  20. africa is very dangerous because of the disease and they are runing out of foood and water and in some places there are civil wars in libya and those people dont care who they kill. and you could get robbed of money and valuables or jewllery and then go and sell them a minute later for money and where there is povity you are most likely to find crime and wars ..
