Sunday, September 2, 2012

Current Events 7, Term 3 2012

New Technology is constantly improving athletes times. However when technology is used to enhance the physique of an athlete then there needs to be some considerations. Take the "Blade Runner" for example. His speed greatly depends on the quality of the blades attached to his legs. Technology should not be the winner of an event, it should be based on an athletes performance alone. Therefore if Blades are to be used then a standard length and quality needs to be used by all athletes. Read the article below. Do you think that the result was a fair? Why/ Why not?

Paralympics controversy


  1. I agree the outcome should be based on the quality and effort of the athlete as otherwise anyone who is disabled could enter if they had the top technology what I think should happen is there is a standard size / type that they can use and they should be fitted with specific one for the Olympics is that everyone has the same type. the result was fair as he won although next time I think there should be a set size and quality limit.

  2. the outcome should only be based on their performance not on how long the blades are. they should have a certain length no matter how tall they are. it isn't fair that he won!!!

  3. it should be based on the quality and hard work of athletes that and only that people who buy new technology to improve there skills are just unfair and cheaters I think those sort of things should be banded from the Paralympics not only does it increase performances it take away a chance for a normal disability person who doesn’t enhance there performance to have a lower chance of winning

  4. I think what the brazilian did was unfair and all of the blades should have to be a certain length to make it fair. If oscar pistorius is good enough to make it into the olympics then really he should win the paralympics so something there is weird. But alan oliveira bet him and there is nothing he can do about it except complain.

  5. i think that it is unfair because the blades should all be the same size so that the outcome is based on the phisical side. he still should not of complained though!


  6. i think that he should not of complaned but it is unfair that he won. but then he could of hade the same size blades in sted of having the blades he had.

  7. Some people have to deal with different degrees with their injuries so some people may think thatit is cheating or not even though i think that it is slightly unfair that he won
    and shouldnt have complained

  8. this is completley unfair the length of the blades should be egzactley the same to have a fair chance of outcome. the gold definatley shouldnt be his. when you think about it its like having the high jump bar higher than what its said it is but it bigger.

  9. I think it is very unfair. all the blades should be the same size but it also wouldnt be fair because of the hieght of some people and where thier leg was amputated from. it was right of him to bring this issue up but he shouls not have complained so much
    By Micky/ Mikayla :)

  10. I think that the quality of the blades should be monitored but the size of the blades should go on how tall and how heavy you are pr some shorter thinner people would java a big advantage over the others and the Paralympics should be a fair event in my mind

  11. i think the size on the blades should have a certin limit but i dont think it is fair that he complained he won fair and sqauare and the other man is just trying to make up resons why he didnt win

  12. I think that it is definitely unfair that people get to perform better just because of technology. I think it should definitely just be based on hard work and effort on who gets the gold medal. I think that there should definitely be limitations on the size of blades and other things like that. Otherwise it's basically who has the most money and who can buy the best blades with that money.
